EP57 - How to Survive the New iOS 14 Update With Scott Seward
May 04, 2021
Photo by Ad Scholars
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How will the Apple iOS 14 affect your Facebook Ads?
If you’re a fashion brand that wants a "shortcut" or quicker way to increase traffic to your website or Shopify store, you probably are going to need to invest in Facebook ads.
Regardless of where you are, whether you’re already running ads or you’re just getting started and need some guidance, this week’s episode is for YOU!
Apple has a new update that utilizes ATT (Ad Tracking Transparency) which allows users to “turn off“ their ad tracking on apps on their iPhone.
In this episode of the FastTrack Your Fashion Brand Podcast, Scott Seward and I get a little "techie" as we discuss the possible ramifications of the new iOS 14 update and several ways that you can still pivot or launch your marketing in a way that benefits your brand. I am so grateful that Scott was able to come on and talk as an expert about the reasons why it's important to have a digital marketing strategy and the kinds of ways that data transforms into sales. You’re definitely going to want to have your notebook ready! In this episode, Scott and I take a deep dive on how to thrive these steep changes that Apple is leading the charge on.
- The IOS 14 update and your business
- What kind of marketing should you be running?
- Starting small and building your business
- Free resources to explain digital marketing
What is the IOS 14 Update?
The new update from Apple has an option for users to “opt in” to ad tracking on all app updates on your iPhone or iPad. Facebook claims that it has a direct impact on personalized ads and may significantly limit your marketing efforts:
"Apple's proposed changes will limit your ability to effectively reach, understand and engage people on mobile devices and across the web. They will affect your ability to understand performance, control who sees your ads and make informed decisions about your advertising budgets. As these changes take effect, over time, you may see an overall decrease in ad performance and personalization and an increase in cost per action."
According to Scott and other tech experts, this means that about 75% of people will be turning off the app tracking which means that all the data that Facebook has been collecting on behalf of your business through ads, will be effectively cut off.
Photo via Facebook for Business
Having said that, it is entirely crucial that you have a strategy in place to protect your sales and that you focus on all the areas of your business that can generate you profit.
Scott thinks that the digital marketing sphere will actually revert back to some key forms of marketing that have been a "little lost" over the years with the rise and ease of Facebook ads. He mentions that focusing on your email marketing, customer service, quick turnarounds, and relationship building with clients will become your lifeline as the digital marketing platforms adjust to these changes. If you have a list of emails that you have been working on, now is the time to really build out your email marketing campaigns and focus on “Call To Actions” that can bring in your sales.
What "Kind" of Digital Marketing Should You Be Running?
Scott and his team specialize in the digital marketing sphere and he lays out the best ways to structure a Facebook ad campaign. In this video, Scott's co-founder Dee Deng explains how Apple’s iOS 14 App Tracking Transparency (ATT) update is going to significantly impact Facebook ads & eCommerce and discusses solutions that you must start implementing right now to stay ahead of this situation. If you’re a more visual learner or want to take a bit of a deeper dive I highly recommend you check it out.
The first step Scott suggests is verifying your domain through Facebook. This step is so important to helping Facebook deliver you the right data to help your sales!
The second step in prioritizing your pixel events. These events are steps in the sales funnel, like page views, adding to cart, and purchasing. This is where you can also create an audience around each pixel event so that you can make sure you drive those sales home. (Scott details this further in his blog on his website which is linked below!)
The third step is looking back at your data within the last 7 days, which used to be 28 days. So accounting for the change in reporting is crucial to understanding how your ads are doing.
Fourth and final, is implementing Facebook’s conversion API. This ensures that Facebook gets the data it needs to optimize your campaign which helps you understand where your strategy needs to change in order to keep your sales high!
If this sounds complicated, don’t worry, Scott’s team has made it easy to walk through in detail in this blog post as well - How To Survive & Thrive In The New eCommerce World with iOS14 App Tracking Transparency.
What Does this All Mean if You’re Unlaunched?
If you’re still unlaunched and worried about the changing ad platforms, don’t worry, because Scott thinks this new update will actually prompt people to go back to some old-school marketing that could benefit the unlaunched.
Before you even think about putting money down for an ad campaign, Scott suggests you move one step back and really nail down your “buyer personas” or “avatars”. By taking a step back and really getting descriptive with your ideal buyer, you can actually optimize the way your ads perform through some A-B testing of your visuals and value propositions.
Keeping your email list strong, continuing to utilize UGC (User Generated Content), and understanding your buyer personas are all ways that you can excel in your marketing before you even purchase an ad!
04:55-09:30 - What’s with the New Update?
09:35-11:30 - Who is Scott Seward?
11:35-23:00 - What are The Steps to Running an FB Ad?
23:05-31:15 - Shifting Strategies
31:20-36:13 - How to Utilize Digital Marketing in your Business
36:17-38:53 - RECAP!
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