EP56 - What is Standing in Your Way to Launch with Nicole Di Rocco
Mar 23, 2021
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When it comes to creating your fashion line, what is standing in your way? Are you standing in your own way?
In this episode of the FastTrack Your Fashion Brand Podcast, I discuss the questions that have come up recently in the Sold Out Launch Facebook group. I love that this Facebook group has been a catalyst for building each other up and recognizing that there are no dumb questions when it comes to launching a business. This group has been such a great example of how the community can come together to support the launch process. In this episode, I detail some of the fears that have been voiced about what might be standing in the way of launching!
- Common fears about launching
- Utilizing community to launch
- Free resources to help you launch
Are You Standing in Your Way?
When I asked the Facebook group what were some key things that are keeping them from launching their business or product, I was met with so many real and honest answers.
Product knowledge, testing, marketing, programming, time, and funding were just a few…
One theme that I realized in these answers was not knowing where to start, or how to begin the process. This is something that I can TOTALLY relate to, and also tend to associate with the idea of perfectionism.
When launching a business, part of the fun is making mistakes, and learning from those mistakes. If we launched with the perfect recipe, we wouldn’t know how we got it or how to replicate it. In order to start your launch, you need to get out of your own way and let go of some of the fear of failure.
Trust me, we’re all in this together!
Where Do You Go for Answers?
We’ve all been down the Google rabbit hole. Googling new questions, reading long blogs, trying to find the exact answer to our specific question.
It’s EXHAUSTING. That’s why I created the Sold Out Launch Facebook group!
Having a safe space to ask questions without judgment is one of the best places to work through your launch troubles. Especially when launching a fashion brand where things can get expensive and confusing!
I’m so thankful to how many launchers have been honest with where they are running into dead-ends or making mistakes that throw off their momentum in their launch process. If I can encourage you to take one step today to help you get a little closer to your launch goals, it’s joining our FREE Facebook group! There are so many incredible business launchers that are all committed to helping each other succeed.
How to Get Unstuck Through This Free Resource...
Besides the free Facebook group, I’ve also created a free download to help you start the process of launching your business!
I get so excited when people ask me how to get started in their launch, so much so that I created a FREE download to help get your questions answered ASAP.
A lot of these questions are usually surrounding money, how much funding do I need? What should I price my products? Will I make a return on my investment?
The First 3 Steps to Calculating and Creating a Profitable Pricing Strategy download is a great resource for you to access. This download will help you find out what is standing in your way and how to leverage your questions to help you create a formula for selling and launching! If you want more information on how to create a pricing strategy I have a great podcast episode with Stephen Wible available here.
06:00-8:00 - What is Standing in The Way Of Your Launch?
8:05-13:45 - Common Answers
11:52-18:08 - Free Resources!
19:40-27:55 - Working 1-on-1
28:00-30:03 - RECAP!
Connect with Nicole Di Rocco:
- Instagram: @Nicole_Di_Rocco
- Podcast FB Group: www.facebook.com/groups/fasttrackyourfashionbrandpodcast
- Website: www.fashionbizmentor.com