EP50 - Celebrating 50 Episodes of our Most Memorable Moments
Dec 16, 2020
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Can you believe we already hit our 50th episode in the FastTrack Your Fashion Brand Podcast?
Do you ever think, oh that will never happen, but then you take a step and suddenly you’re there?
That’s what building this podcast has been like!
With this podcast we built a team, resources, and community that is dedicated to taking business to the next level.
In this episode of the FastTrack Your Fashion Brand Podcast, I’ve handpicked and reflected on some of the most memorable moments we all have shared together in this podcast! I loved taking the time to go back and listen to the last 49 episodes and hear the incredible advice and resources that so many guests have been able to offer me and all of you! It’s easy to believe that these episodes aren’t making an impact, but when I look back at my DM’s, emails, and reviews from all of you, I know that this podcast has actually made a difference in helping build up your businesses.
I’m so thankful for the opportunity to have so many guests, listeners, and community members who have helped contribute to this podcast.
I hope you enjoy these memorable moments and remind yourself that there are always opportunities to create fulfillment in your lives through your passion.
- Reflecting on 50 Episodes Together
- 5 Memorable Moments
- Thank you for 50 Episodes
Why Did I Start a Podcast?
I’m reminded of the Tony Robbins quote “Success without fulfilment is the ultimate failure.”
I know that the world is so different from when I started this podcast. We all have been through a lot together whether I know you personally or not.
Which is why I think it’s so important to incorporate this quote and share how fulfilling this year has been, despite the uncertain circumstances, and largely it’s due to how you have responded to these podcast episodes.
I knew that no one was going to walk around and grant me a podcast like a fairy godmother, but one thing I did know was that I could offer value and resources to demystify launching a fashion line for those of us who are stuck.
This podcast launch process has been it’s own reward for me, so now I want to give back to you and highlight some of the best advice and growing moments that I had on the show. You’ll definitely want to go back and listen to these episodes once you hear how insightful the clips are!
5 Memorable Moments Over the Last 50 Episodes
I loved going back and picking out some of the best moments from the last 49 episodes, but let me tell you it was not easy picking the ones I wanted to share!
There are so many moments where I learned so much but these specific moments were, I think, some of the best breakthrough ones for me that helped most of my listeners.
- EP3 - Fashion Pricing & Profits with Becky Anderson - what happens when you do make it in with a big retailer and what secret costs can keep you from making a profit
- EP12 - Three Biggest Mistakes When Starting a Fashion Line and How to Avoid Them - creating a presale strategy to help you build the right amount of product and not digging yourself into debt when you first start
- EP16 - Copywriting for Fashion Products with Kate Dramis - creating a call to action through words that transforms the buyer’s ideas about your product
- EP24 - How to Know If You Are Ready to Launch a Fashion Line with Nicole Di Rocco - granting yourself permission to take a chance on your idea and asking the right questions to know if you are ready to launch a line
- EP32 - Tips to Launching a Plus Size Line with Shafonne Myers - how to market and design for the plus size market and how to benefit from a niche market in your business
There were so many more moments within these episodes that were powerful for me and these 5 moments hardly capture the depth and growth that these episodes possess.
You Are the Reason for These 50 Episodes!
I still can’t believe that 50 episodes ago I was just ordering my first microphone on Amazon Prime!
I had no idea that 50 episodes later I would have so many community members who have rated, reviewed, and reached out to share their success and their questions with me.
I can’t wait to spend 50 more episodes with all of you and I’m so thankful for all the love and support of my FastTrackers, my team, and my guests on the show.
Be sure to go back and listen to some of the episodes that have been most inspiring for you over the last 50 episodes because the truth is, there is always more to learn!
02:56-05:40 - Give Yourself Keys to the Kingdom
05:45-16:55 - Why I Started the Podcast
17:00-17:05 - 5 Memorable Moments
17:10-25:00 - Episode 3 with Becky Anderson
25:05-29:00 - Episode 12 with Nicole Di Rocco
29:03-34:48 - Episode 16 with Kate Dramis
34:43-42:10 - Episode 24 with Nicole Di Rocco
42:15-47:30 - Episode 32 with Shafonne Myers
47:35-49:56 - Thank You for 50 Episodes
INSTAGRAM: @nicole_di_rocco
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/nicoledirocco
PODCAST FB GROUP: www.facebook.com/groups/fasttrackyourfashionbrandpodcast
WEBSITE: www.fashionbizmentor.com
SUBMIT YOUR FASHION BIZ QUESTIONS: www.fashionbizmentor.com/breakthrough-coaching
SEE MY DESIGNS: www.mynicolita.com
Hey there FastTracker!
You know how much I love ACTION TAKERS!!! So if anything on this episode inspired YOU or even lit a fire for YOU to take some action... I would LOVE to hear all about it!! Head on over to the podcast and leave a RATING + REVIEW. I read every single comment and feature listeners each week. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read.
Our guest list for upcoming shows keeps on getting better and better so make sure you are subscribed to the show! I'm adding more bonuses so if you are not subscribed you just might miss out. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!
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