EP39 - The Ultimate Facebook Ads Funnel for Fashion Products With Ana Katz
Sep 15, 2020
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Will I get more sales because of a "good" Facebook ad?
Will Facebook ads work for my fashion product?
How can a Facebook funnel help develop a relationship with my customers?
In this episode of the FastTrack Your Fashion Brand Podcast, I sat down with Ana Katz, a digital marketing strategist that specializes in Facebook and Instagram ad building!
Talking with Ana was like a breath of fresh air, Ana quickly eased my fears about Facebook ads and broke down several easy ways to help build engagement surrounding my products. I love that Ana has so many tips for building up business audiences. She goes above and beyond to help businesses get exactly what they need out of their ads, and she does it while working within a budget! In this episode Ana and I talk about some of the different myths and beliefs that surround Facebook ad targeting and how to use it best in our businesses.
I’m so excited for you all to listen to Ana’s expertise and gain some insight into building out your audience advertisements!
Ana is also offering a FREEBIE to all my listeners (hint: that means YOU!) Don’t miss out on downloading Ana’s helpful guide to building out your own Facebook ads and successfully creating a marketing funnel that works for your business.
Click the image below to get your FREE download of The Ultimate Guide to Facebook™ & Instagram Ads Targeting by Ana Katz.
- Building your audience: from cold to warm
- How to create a marketing funnel through ads
- Getting specific with your audience
- Budgeting for Facebook ads
Why is Facebook Ads Important and How Do I Use Them?
I’m so glad you asked! Ana is here to give us her experience and wisdom in the (sometimes scary) world of Facebook Ads…
Facebook ads is important because as you are building out your business and building up more of your product inventory, you have to find people to buy it, and make back some of that money from all your hustling! Ana says that Facebook ads can help you get new audiences and lookalike audiences who will love your product and give you the revenue you need to continue your business.
Using Facebook ads can be a bit intimidating, but just like anything new, we’re gonna learn by going over the basics! Ana gave me some incredible advice on how to run several ad campaigns at once so that as you get used to the ad format you can find out what your engagement is, how to warm up your cold audiences, and also convert all at the same time! Ana is so passionate about creating really specific audience profiles so that you can get your product in front of the customers who will love and cherish your product and keep coming back for more!
What is a Lookalike Audience and Why is it Important to Build?
Lookalike audiences are the customer bases that you haven’t reached yet, but who look a lot like the customer base you already have purchasing your product. Facebook has really specific tools that can help you define your ideal customers by what books they like, where they shop, or what movies they’re interested in, the list goes on! As you build out several lookalike audiences you can turn them on and off after a couple days to see how they impacted your engagement or conversions.
Ana reminded me that ideally we should be running several Facebook ads at once that are targeted to your cold audiences and warm audiences so engagement with your cold audience might look a bit different than engagement from your warm audiences. The goal is always to build a relationship with your customer and Facebook targeting can help you define who is buying your product so that you can spend less money down the road on your ad campaigns.
How Do I Budget for Facebook Ads and is it Worth it?
Building out any budget can be challenging and a bit scary at first but what I loved about my conversation with Ana was that she gave so much hope for starting small and working your way up to a bigger ad spend.
With any ad campaign the goal is always to get the best results without spending on unnecessary information. Ana’s advice is to run a couple of test campaigns and make sure you price it to scale for how much your product is and if it’s worth the amount you’re spending on ads. For example, If your product costs only $20 then you probably should be spending $20 on just a couple of conversions. Ana also recommends placing popular and IN STOCK items in your ads. We’ve all been here, am I right? We’re scrolling and clicking on an ad spending hours searching for the dress we saw and then find out it's out of stock. Ana also recommends creating ads for sales or special promotions on your site; these are the easiest ways to convert cold audiences and keep them around to build up that customer relationship for full price purchases down the road.
There are so many creative ways to help your business grow through creating successful marketing funnels. Ana is so good at helping businesses curate their audiences so they can get the most out of their marketing, make sure to check her out so you can maximize your product margins!
09:50-12:35 - Getting to Know Facebook Ads with Ana Katz
12:40-15:40 - Facebook and Ad Targeting Freebie
15:43-20:27 - How to Build Your Lookalike Audience
20:30-29:30 - Budgeting for Your Ads
29:35-33:26 - How to Connect with Ana
33:28-38:40 - Recap + The Facebook Funnel
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FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/nicoledirocco
PODCAST FB GROUP: www.facebook.com/groups/fasttrackyourfashionbrandpodcast
WEBSITE: www.fashionbizmentor.com
SUBMIT YOUR FASHION BIZ QUESTIONS: www.fashionbizmentor.com/breakthrough-coaching
SEE MY DESIGNS: www.mynicolita.com
INSTAGRAM: @anakatzdigital
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/anakatzdigital
WEBSITE: www.anakatzdigital.com
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