EP22 - Three Breakthrough Lessons from Tony Robbins
Dec 02, 2019
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Do you ever find yourself lacking the motivation to get out and chase your goals?
Knowing that I should do this, but not prioritizing it in your life.
Or looking at the bigger picture and getting too overwhelmed to actually go after it?
Well, I recently went to a Tony Robbins event and it totally changed my life. Don’t worry, I’m not going to stand on my soapbox for too long, but there are definitely a few things that I learned, and discoveries or rather breakthroughs that I accomplished just by being there with an open mind.
In this episode of the FastTrack Your Fashion Brand Podcast, I’m talking about the three MAJOR breakthrough lessons from Tony Robbins that YOU can start applying in your next goal-setting plan TODAY!
It’s time to learn how to prioritize the important musts in our lives, in order to set our personal and professional lives on a successful path.
- The Pyramid of Mastery - 7 points of constant growth for an extraordinary life
- The 3 Pillars of Progress
- The 2 Millimeter Rule
The Pyramid of Mastery
This was probably one of my favorite lessons that I learned from Tony Robbins - the Pyramid of Mastery. These are 7 points of growth for an extraordinary life. I find it a little funny that I went to this event trying to figure out my next steps for Nicolita, but it strangely turned personal and I started thinking more about my physical appearance.
As you all know, my baby just turned 1, and for those of you who may have had a child recently, it’s not always as easy to bounce back. So, I haven’t been where I want to be physically. But, then he listed the base of the pyramid as your physical body. He stressed the importance of how your physical health is going to be what drives your success. Which made sense when he basically said that you can’t make it to the extraordinary life that you want if the vehicle to get you there breaks down!
3 Pillars of Progress
Alright, so now that I have my goal - which for me currently is to get my health on track so that I can FastTrack my business plans, its time to create a success plan in order to accomplish them.
This is where the 3 pillars of progress come in.
- Take massive action
- Get a strategy and a coach
- Get laser-focused/ FIND YOUR WHY
Massive action for me means getting to the gym, not letting my brain tell me that I can do this later, and to stop listening to whatever is holding us back (that little voice in your head that’s telling you to wait). What are you waiting for? If you keep pushing to tomorrow, you’ll eventually run out of tomorrows.
Get a strategy - this was finding a coach; an expert to help me do what I couldn’t do alone. I know that I can't motivate myself in the gym. If I go alone, or with friends, I’ll do the same thing I always do, the same routines I know, set the same goals, and make minimal progress. Tony Robbins says if you hire someone ordinary, you’ll see ordinary results. But, if you hire someone extraordinary, you’ll get extraordinary results!
Get focused! Whether you’re picturing the Rock or Tony Robbins, it's time to focus. My biggest takeaway was to turn your shoulds into musts. If you’re saying I “should” go to the gym, then take massive action and GO!
2 Millimeter Rule
This is all about breaking down your goals into bite-size pieces. Our brain is a strange place, it's there to try to protect you. If it perceives something as too big or impossible, it’ll talk you out of it. But if you break them down into more accomplishable bits, it’ll seem more doable. Eventually, these will form into habits, and then into rituals. And then you can do it on autopilot and it will feel a bit effortless. It just takes time.
Now, I’ve put these lessons to action! How will you use this to FastTrack your life to success? Leave a comment or direct message me on Instagram!
07:30-14:30 - Pyramid of Mastery
15:00-22:40 - 3 Pillars of Progress
23:15-26:40 - 2 Millimeter Rule
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